• BRAND OASIS :Three years old, is there anything new? #Sept.
    • brand of the month
    • Limvillage, fotd, noonoosoom, pollygarden, idma, bath ceramic, eka craft, dear maui, momorim
  • B12.It's okay if you're not straight.
    • It's okay if you're not straight.
    • 나만 그런 건 아니라고 생각한다. 사람들은 실용의 필요가 없어도 미관상 아름다운 물건에 마음을 빼앗기고 어느새 카드의 마그네틱테이프를 긁히고 있을 때가 더러 있다. 생필품이 생활의 물리적 안정을 가져오는 데 의의를 갖는다면, 오브제를 포함한 소비재는 정신적 안정에 도움이 되지 않나 생각한다. 물론 도가 지나치면 안 되겠지만.
그런 의미에서 여러 가지 색깔 그리고 자유로운 손그림을 가감 없이 나타내는 시유하다의 오브제들은 어느 곳에서도 포인트일 수 있고, 어느 곳에서나 잘 스며들 수 있을 거라고 생각한다. 그렇게 바라보는 사람으로 하여금 편안하게 만드는 것들.
  • B13.Why did Laviger, who used to make shampoo bars, make fly swatter?
    • 위기를 딛은 샴푸바의 탄생
    • I looked through the calendar app and it was exactly this time last year.The first time I watched the movie "Determined to Break Up" in the movie theater.There are so many impressive scenes that I remember, but among them, the beauty of the scene where "Hae-jun" and "Seorae" went to the temple in a trench coat and dated in rainy weather is clear at the end of their noses.It is the hand cream given by Hae-joon that made Seorae rhyme with the unusual confession that he likes Hae-joon because he is dignified for a modern person, and it is the product of La Vigueur, a Korean brand.If you search for Labuger on the green window, the Labuger Shampoo Bar automatically appears.Shampoo bar? An unfamiliar combination of familiar words.Lavuger, who makes shampoo bars and other non-common cosmetics, can't help but wonder how he makes these items.I will tell you my written conversation with Kim Do-yeop, CEO of Labuger.
  • B8.a gallery that plays with harmless personalities
    • 당신이 갖고 싶은 위트를 보여드릴게요
    • The Seongsu Station area, which is open without uphill and is filled with large and small individual spaces, is perhaps the place with the highest cafe density in Seoul, and what Seongsu-dong feels like during the daytime on weekdays, and hurried to Cafe Owood's second store.
    • 1011GALLERY
  • B9.The time we can meet.
    • 네 발달린 친구들과 용산구 산책
    • Maybe it's just a feeling, but if you spend time in Yongsan-gu, you often encounter a dog and a companion taking a walk.Although it is the middle of Seoul, I wonder if it is because there are more houses and villas than large apartment complexes.Of course. Cafe 33 apartment (33 apartment, 33), which is the home and starting point of 33HOODIE, also has a lot of dog regulars.Wouldn't someone come to see the dogs at 33 as well?to the point where I can't help but wonder.The stories of seven 33 apartment regulars and their pets working in Yongsan-gu, as well as the mysterious hot places in Yongsan-gu that are useful for anyone who likes dogs to know.I've brought a story as pleasant as a cup of coffee.
  • B10.The sky, the wind, the stars, and the coffee.
    • 커피 한 잔, 그 다음에 오는 당신의 모든 나날
    • Coffee. For some, it could be just a means to wake up from sleep, a chemical stimulant, for others, an object of purpose that you want to find out for yourself, or an artistic stimulant.Under the slogan "Good ideas require good music and good coffee," FELT SEOUL, which makes a space where people who enjoy a cup of coffee are everything, and 33HOODIE, which always enjoys new discoveries, conducted a goods project together.I asked the workers around me about their personal tastes about how coffee and music that create synergy between each other are intertwined.
    • FELT
  • B11.For you who always need new air,
    • Us in time that connects space and space
    • You can't always go on a trip, so it's grateful that you can get that energy through someone's trip.Ajit Collectors, who leave the deepest part of their trip and share it, is perhaps a brand that started with that mind.
    • Soft summer. We're so precious because we're weak.
    • It's summer when everything changes easily.High energy also creates a willingness to do something, but it also makes you change your mind so that you can't do anything.I feel like everything will soar and disappear quickly.Is that why?Things that look vulnerable feel more precious during the hot season.Although it may be a little slower than soft ice cream, we are all precious as we melt in the summer.We have captured the moments of summer that are both fresh and sticky with SOFT SEOUL.
  • BRAND OASIS :Three years old, is there anything new? #October
    • brand of the month
    • Limvillage, fotd, noonoosoom, pollygarden, idma, bath ceramic, eka craft, dear maui, momorim
  • BRAND OASIS :Three years old, is there anything new? #November
    • brand of the month
    • Limvillage, fotd, noonoosoom, pollygarden, idma, bath ceramic, eka craft, dear maui, momorim
  • BRAND OASIS : What should I do for the end of the year gift? #December
    • brand of the month
    • Limvillage, fotd, noonoosoom, pollygarden, idma, bath ceramic, eka craft, dear maui, momorim
  • BRAND OASIS : Is there anything new? #January
    • brand of the month
    • Limvillage, fotd, noonoosoom, pollygarden, idma, bath ceramic, eka craft, dear maui, momorim


